Sunday, January 18, 2009

The best thing I ever taught a dog...

The best thing I ever taught a dog was to teach Robin to pick up whatever I dropped. "Pick it up" will get you just about anything. Within reason, of course. Coins and flat objects are not easy. Paper can be picked up, but don't expect it back in the same condition as when you dropped it! Sometimes it takes a little "pawing" to get it up enough to be picked up. Something really heavy is probably out of the question. But, otherwise, game on!
I have gotten him pretty much to the point where he will pick up anything I drop automatically - sometimes I will say "oops" to remind him that mama is a total klutz and needs help. (oh yea... before you get any ideas, I do NOT regularly drink coke - I am a diet Pepsi girl all the way!)
Now don't think that Robin does this all for free - there is ALWAYS some little treat or goodie for him - after all - no one works for free, and I'd like him to continue doing this! Now I just have to work on these two and teach them how to pick things up for me...


Got Syzygy said...

I want to see those weasels pick up that plastic bottle!!! Get moving with that clicker young lady!!
GOOD BOY ROBIN!! I sure hope those little dogs don't get a treat just for watching big brother do all the work!

Carol said...

Wow what a cool dog Robin is. My dog only picks up food that she likes from the floor. lol I love the shot of the little guys.

Jane F. Smith said...

LOL!!! way to work the dogs!!! I love it!!