Monday, July 5, 2010

Evolution of a jump...

I had two jumps. Well, I DID have three jumps, but one died a tragic death this spring when we were getting the agility equipment out for the summer. Oh well - it was time to make more. The plan was to make three more jumps for a total of five. I ordered six "five way" joints from CleanRun and bought some goodies at Menards. I cleaned the PVC and marked where everything needed to be cut and drilled and let Brian do the rest. I have everything glued and capped, so hopefully no bugs or water will get inside them. I had the dogs try them out to make sure they met with their approval:


tervnmal said...

Very fun! Nice of Brian to make himself useful. Did the un-brown dog have anything to do with the tragic demise of the jump? The Big Red Dog caused the demise of several of my jumps: below freezing temps + PVC jump + Big Red Dog trying to jump the jump while I'm trying to move the jump = pieces parts of broken jump.

Got Syzygy said...

GO ROBIN!!! He was having FUN!! What do the 'new' neighbors think?? G